Like every other post in this series, I feel like I should start this one saying, “I can’t believe Landon is already a year old!”… which, two months ago, would’ve been true! But now he is almost 14 months old and I’m just like every other mom who is about 2 months behind on work, socializing, and life in general =P
In all seriousness, Landon turning one wasn’t quite as emotional as I thought it would be; it’s such a joy watching him grow and each age quickly becomes my new favorite. I hear this will end around 2/2.5 but we have some time to enjoy it until then!
This was a really fun month for us because we got to take two different trips with Landon! First we went to Hilton Head Island for a week at the beach (where he started standing on his own for the first time!) and then we headed out to Utah and Arizona for a hiking trip in their many National Parks. Both trips were an absolute blast and way too much to type here — check out the individual blogs for lots more photos and what we did while exploring! HHI and UT/AZ
This month we did “all things fall” with Landon and it was really cool to enjoy our favorite season with him! By the end of the month, I think we visited at least four different pumpkin patches in the area, several fall festivals, apple picking, and a few trick or treat events. He also started attending daycare two days a week! We have our parents helping us out quite a bit and wanted to make sure we could lighten their load as much as possible. Plus it’s been really beneficial for him to be around other children throughout the day and participate in all the crafts, games, and storytimes he gets at school. He was a little nervous the first few weeks but adapted in no time! Best of all, Landon start walking this month and took his first solo steps on my birthday of all days!
The big 1-2! I think most parents would agree, this age comes way too quickly — we blinked and he is already a year old! I loved planning and prepping for his Peter Rabbit first birthday party this month and getting to celebrate with all of our friends! We also had his first real Halloween; last year he was just a week old and I was still broken, so we didn’t really get to enjoy one of my favorite holidays. This year we did a family Harry Potter costume, complete with Harry, Hermoine, Dobby, and even Granger, as a golden snitch. We also (strangely) got our first snow — Landon wasn’t a fan of touching it, but had fun in his marshmallow suit! With an early Thanksgiving, we also got to start doing “all things Christmas” including a few visits to Santa, horse rides, and holiday light shows!
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