“It’s the best day of the yeaaaaar!”
If you sang that a la Tom & Donna in Parks and Rec, welcome. If not, go stop reading this and go watch Season 4 immediately… but come back when you’re done!
Anywho, I digress. No, it’s not treat yo’self day, but it IS 2018 Behind the Scenes day and this is one of my favorite blog posts to share from the entire year! You get a tiny peek into how much fun it is, in my opinion, to be a Washington, DC wedding photographer and work with some of the most awesome clients in the area!
Yoohoo — up here!
Being a wedding photographer is about SO much more than photography! I want all my couples to have a perfect day and am happy to pitch in wherever possible to make that a reality!
I call this set of images, “awkward places” — they may look tiny or like unflattering background, but that’s the great thing about hiring a professional wedding photographer; they will pick places that make for beautiful photos!
And this set? “Awkward faces” because, well, you’ll see below.
Here is the 2018 edition of “what’s in the box?”!
And a huge shout out to all of my second shooters this season — Emily, Erin, Rebekah and Meghan (and Rob!) — you’re all amazing! Thank you for keeping me sane and doing all the crazy things I ask on a wedding day. I value your dedication and respect to all my clients dearly and couldn’t provide the same experience for them without each and every one of you. And an extra special nod to Emily who had some crazy veil throwing moments even while PREGNANT last year!
I swear they love me!
And just the standard old photos of me doing one of my favorite things in the world — photographing my clients! You can definitely tell by my hair which images were taken at the beginning of the day and which ones were at the end of a crazy day! =P Shout out to Gal Meets Glam for at least half of the outfits below — thank you for including pockets in your dresses, that makes them perfect for wedding days!
And last, but certainly not least, thank you to all of my clients. I know I say how much I adore you guys a lot and I hope that doesn’t lessen it. I may only have gotten a picture with a few of you this year, but I appreciate each and every one of you so much and it’s been such a joy getting to work with you in 2018.
And just remember… stay out of the forest.
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